I am an artist living and working in South East London.
I have spent my entire adult life observing the way in which people engage with the world around them.
As a lawyer and a psychotherapist, I have examined, and sought to understand, the issues that people face in their personal and professional lives.
In doing so I have seen myself not so much as a problem solver, but as a problem see-er; not so much as someone who has the answer, but as someone who can assist in the choice of which, amongst the many possible answers, best suits the individual in any case.
So in many ways my role been that of an interpreter, or interface, or – in psychological terms – a transitional object between my clients and their world as was, as is, and as they would wish it to be.
I see my art as a continuation of that practice.
My work is filled with colour, shape and abstract form, but also – or so I intend – with space and opportunity.
My work is deliberately incomplete. I invite each viewer to fill in the gaps in their individual way. And create my/their/our unique experience.